Sunday, September 20, 2009


the magnetic fields - i don't want to get over you - 69 love songs, vol. 1
the hidden cameras - origin: orphan - origin: orphan
joakim - medusa - milky ways
mahogany - supervitesse - connectivity!
windsor for the derby - shaker - difference and repetition
american analog set - diana slowburner ii - through the 90's: singles and unreleased
national bird - wakar uwa mugu - extreme music from africa

breadmachine - i hope yr plane falls - cuckolding
rain machine - give blood - s/t
petro loa - no rada no rada - extreme music from africa
cabaret voltaire - kneel to the boss - the voice of america
robedoor - lifelong illusion - shapreshifter slave
clark - outside plume - totems flare

the blue men - the bublight - i hear a new world
samara lubelski - born from a tree - parallel suns
tiny vipers - time takes - life on earth
linda perhacs - hey, who really cares? - parallelograms
sunn0))) & boris - etna - altar
the wake - patrol - a tribute to flexipop, vol. 1

zombectro - voyager - da chip! : the music of daft punk revisited on vintage game systems
marine girls - don't come back - lazy ways
animal collective - april and the phantom - spirit they've gone, spirit they've vanished
area c - circadia - rare youth comp
grizzly bear - two weeks - veckatimest
black tambourine - black car - complete recordings
julian plenti - fly as you might - julian plenti is...skyscraper

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